Has the Church Replaced Israel? - By Michael Vlach
And again, on
Ephesians 2:11-22, "The fact that Gentiles
have gone from being 'far off' to 'near,' or from excluded' to 'not excluded,'
does not mean they have assumed the identity of Israel. Second, if Paul wanted to say that believing
Gentiles were now part of Israel, he could have said that, but he did not. Paul will say that God has made both
believing Jews and Gentiles 'one' (2:14) and 'one new man,' but he carefully
avoids the title 'Israel.'…..(Quoting C. B. Hoch Jr.)'..They do not become Israel; they share with
Perhaps my favorite
parts, were where he pointed out that, although there certainly are shadows and
types in the Old Testament, the people of
Israel were neither of those things, nor were the promises of material
things, like land. Quoting Feinberg,
" unconditional promises are not shadows,
nor are the people to whom they are given." And also, where he pointed out that
material things are not evil, "…we should
not assume that physical things are inherently unspiritual. The physical universe God created was deemed
'very good' (Gen 1:31), not something that needed to be escaped or transcended. We should not assume that things like land,
temples, and nations are unspiritual.
Nor should we think that such things must necessarily be types or
pictures of greater spiritual realities in some Platonic fashion."
I have so many
quotations, I could go on and on…but then that would defeat the purpose of you
buying the book. I'll end with one more
quote, "Contrary to the supersessionist
position, it is not God's intention for everyone who believes to become part of
'Israel.' Through Abraham, the nation
Israel was created as a vehicle to bring blessings to 'all the families of the
earth'(Gen 12:2-3), but it has never been God's intent to make everyone who
believes 'Israel.' Israel, through the
ultimate Israelite, Jesus Christ, is the means for worldwide blessing, but Israel
is not an end in itself."
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