The Founders' Key - By Larry Arnn
This book was a very
educational read for me, helping me understand more about our government as a
representative republic. In this book, Mr. Arnn
explains why the Founders constituted the Constitution the way the way they
Arnn explains how
our government works, how our constitution
protects the rights declared in the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution was carefully thought out,
and was not forced upon the American people in defiance of their declared
independence. They chose it, having been
persuaded that the form of Government it provides was the best government to
promote and protect their liberty, and the liberty of their posterity. It does this by not giving the government to
any one man, or to the people as a whole without any restraints. "Representative government places ultimate
authority outside the government, which restrains both the government and the
governed. In such a system, citizens
have endless opportunity to talk, but they may act only on certain
occasions. They are encouraged,
therefore, to think, and to think together, before they act. The same restraints operate inside the
government to encourage statesmen and citizens to the same habits."
In his critique of
the progressive/modern view of government, Arnn mentions how our definition of
'equal' has changed. Instead of viewing
all mankind as being BORN equal, people now say that a person is not 'equal' UNTIL
they have certain things, like healthcare.
Thus people are promoting the inequality of humanity, and thus they
demand more and more government control to force other people to give them what
they think they deserve. They want
benefits, not liberty.
There are a few
things I didn't like/agree with Arnn in,(mainly a few statements and
illustrations he makes) about the book, but it is easy to skim over those and
get to the 'meat'. To some up my review, I'll say that Arnn does
a good job of explaining what Tocqueville observed: "in America, man never obeys man but justice or law."
I received this book as a complimentary copy from BookSneeze® in exchange for my review(which does not have to be favorable).
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