
Showing posts from May, 2012

The Truth About Forgiveness

In this book, MacArthur outlines the Godly attribute of 'forgiveness'.   First he explains our need of it, and how God provided it, and defined it by His example, showings us how we are to forgive as well.   I thought it was a good overview of the topic.    I thought that the book would be longer than it was (its quite small, only 118 pages), but if you want a resource to give to someone who wants to learn about the Gospel, this is a nice concise read.   I liked MacArthur's point about how the escalating depravity of humanity that Paul speaks about in Romans 1 is not merely grosser sins, rather, it is the loss of conscience:   " Paul knew that those who underestimate the enormity and gravity of human sinfulness - especially those who do not see their own depravity - cannot apply the only effective remedy to their problems…to attempt to eradicate the human conscience is one of the most spiritually destructive pursuits any individual or society can engage in.    I