
Showing posts from April, 2020

Quote of the Day

"We should have it so happen that, when our life's story is written, whoever reads it will not think of us as 'self-made men', but as the handiwork of God, in whom His grace is magnified.  Not in us may men see the clay but the Potter's hand." - Charles Spurgeon -  From the book: Living By Revealed Truth: The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon  by Thomas Nettles See more quotes on my quote collection blog:

The Basic BIble Atlas- By John A. Beck

This Bible Atlas takes you through the Bible with maps.  The maps are nice looking, and interesting to study. But…There is a lot of reading, sort of summing up a lot of Israel's history and their geographical movements.   Others may not mind it, but for some reason the readings seemed to distract me from the maps, rather than enhance them. Also, the maps don't always seem to fit with what is being talked about. There were several 'iffy' statements made by this book that bothered me. Beck states that animals were in the Garden of Eden to "provide companionship to the first humans who lived there.." .   But doesn't that contradict Adam's not finding one suitable companion among the animals he named? If animals provide true companionship then Adam didn't really   need Eve.   "On the one hand, the ark is a symbol of divine mercy, a rescue raft that keeps Noah's family and the animals aboard alive.   On the other hand, t