An Appeal for the Study of Christian History

In looking at this
"cloud of witnesses", these people who testify to the worthiness of
living by faith,"let us also, seeing we are compassed about with so great
a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily
beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking
unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set
before him endured the cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right
hand of the throne of God." (Heb 12:1-2 ASV) Let us follow their example.
We seek, not to look at these people for their own sake, but rather to imitate
their faith. It might be objected that these people were sinners still, and
that we should only follow Christ. Actually, these Christians were saints
called by God in His word to act as such.
Let us follow them insomuch as they followed Christ. As Paul said, "Be imitators of me, as I
am also of Christ."(1Co 11:1 LITV)
. Let us look to where they were
looking in faith, to God and His promises.
Let us focus on our true 'Fatherland', as they did, and let us live as
strangers on this earth, as they did; Living as our King would have us, not
following the 'fashion' of this world.
Led me end my appeal
for the study of history with a quotation by E. Godet in which he is writing a
recommendation for one of J. H. Merle D'aubine's books on the History of the
difference there is between the perusal of a work of this kind and that of one
of the religious novels with which our public is now satiated. In these latter,
notwithstanding all the good-will of the authors, there is always, or nearly
always, something unwholesome. Imagination, that admirable gift of God, is
employed to transport us into the chiaro-osouro(?) of fictitious scenes, which
communicate a kind of fascination from which it is difficult to emerge, to
return to the humdrum of every-day life, and to confine ourselves to the narrow
limits of our every-day duties. Here on the contrary we find the full light of
historic truth, imagination restored to its true object - that of giving life
to real facts. The faith of this martyr, it really struggled, really triumphed
- this blood, it really flowed - this pile, its flames lighted up the
surrounding country, but in so doing they really consumed their victim. When we
read these true histories our hearts do not swell with vain ambition or aspire
to an inaccessible ideal. We do not say: 'If I were this one, or that one.' We
are obliged to commune with ourselves, to examine our consciences, to humble
ourselves with the question: What would become of me if I were called to
profess my faith through similar sufferings? Each on of us is thus called to
less self-complacency, to greater humility, but at the same time to greater
contentment with his lot, to greater anxiety to serve his God with greater
faithfulness and greater activity..."
To furthur this type of study, I'm putting together a site with reviews and recommendations of books, including ones that are free online(It's still a work in progress, I'm planning on continually adding more to it, so keep checking back):
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