December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World
December 1941 is the
kind of history book I enjoy. The
history book I used in high school seemed to be written in a monotone 'voice',
if a book can be so written. It merely
spewed out facts. This book by Craig
Shirley is the exact opposite. It is
very lively, and brings you into the time period. Each chapter is a day in December 1941, with
newspaper headlines of the day under
each chapter title. Instead of leaving
you an observer, it gives you the impression of these past day by day events as
being present day by day events.
One of the things I
found fascinating in observing the day by day life of Americans through this
month in 1941 was their ardent patriotism.
Even the criminals were patriotic, there were some serving
life-sentences who offered themselves to
FDR as a 'suicide Squad'; 6000 imprisoned in the Philippines offered to donate
blood for the allies. But their desire
to be patriotic seemed badly misdirected in another sense. More and more power was given to the
government, and to the President in particular.
The government could seize private property, censor the American
people(even forbidding weather reports for security). Perhaps these things needed to be done, but
it seemed that the American people seemed willing enough if merely asked to
voluntarily restrict their freedoms. I
don't see the government stepping in as having been necessary, nor
constitutional. FDR's presidency was
even called "the Imperial Presidency,
It was scary that "Roosevelt now wielded more power than King
George III ever dreamed of."
All in all it was a
very interesting account. You will learn
a lot in this book about the events at Pearl Harbor, and events around the
world at that time regarding the axis and allies, again as though you were hearing
it in real time…or on a daily basis. It
really is amazing and interesting to see how America changed from being' Isolationist', "After World War II, the philosophy was changed from
America first, to America first in."
Winston Churchill was apparently ecstatic (in a good way)when America
was forced to join the war, "Churchill regarded the Japanese attack as
Britain's salvation. He recalled in his
memoirs the emotion he had felt at hearing the news, 'we had won the
Now, on a slightly
negative note, this book did have accounts of things about American society
that seemed inappropriate, let me just say, there are certain things/facts I don't care to know about any time period. Other than that, it was REALLY good. I love reading about history from someone who
obviously enjoys telling it(and who is a good writer as Shirley is here) as it
generally makes me enjoy it too. The back of the book is full(and I mean FULL)
of notes and references/sources. The
book ends with an excellent summary as to how the attack on Pearl Harbor
affected the outcome of the war, and what might have happened had things not
happened as they did. Knowing the
sovereignty of God makes it more interesting for me to read history, It's
fascinating to look back on what God had 'written' for that time. "Events
conspired to help the Japanese, and hurt America and the world in the short
run, but ironically hurt Japan and helped America and the world in the long
run." I think that it is an excellent book on an important event
in World War II.
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