Hitler's Cross by Erwin Lutzer
It was fascinating to me what the Nazis did to try to gain over the professing Christians in Germany. At first Hitler tried to pass himself off as a good Catholic, and even worked against some of his colleagues who were trying destroy the church too soon. Much of Germany was religious at the time, the Lutheran church was connected with the state, obeying one's ruler and his rules was very much a matter of course, even a matter of religion. This seems to have been one of the professing Christians excuses for why they did not go against Nazi ideals. Instead of wiping out the church, the plan was to infiltrate Christianity, politicize it (more than it already was), change it's doctrines bit by bit until true Christianity vanished altogether. The Aryan Paragraph required Christian Jews to worship separately from Christian Aryans, Pastors were eventually required to swear an oath to Hitler, Nazis even planned that Hitler's Mein Kampf would take the place of the Bible in the churches. The official church in Germany became the 'Reich church' .
Reich Bishop Ludwig Muller |
Lutzer points out that there were Christians who were against and who worked against the Nazification of Christianity, even at the cost of being sent to consecration camps and thence death. Refusing to take the oath of loyalty to as the head of the Pastors, they declared that God's word was their authority, and they also declaring that Jews and Christians are one in Christ, therefore there should be no racial discrimination in the church of God. By separating themselves from the official church(now the Reich church) and the so called 'German Christians' they were not apostatizing from the church, rather they were declaring the political Reich church apostate. These were Christians who had already been practicing dying to self in lesser things "If we can't be loyal to Christ in the small decisions, how can we expect to be loyal when our faith might cost us something very precious? Only when we see value in the lesser sacrifice will we be willing to be faithful in the greater one." Some of these Christians went so far as to join the attempts to assassinate Hitler and set up a new government.
Lutzer sees that there are parallels between what led to Germanys being Nazified and things in America today. After world war I the Germans had a short lived Republic, they gave up this Republic for a dictator because the economy under the Republic was very bad. Under Hitler's regime "Workers now had job security, a health service, cheap holiday schemes; if freedom meant starvation, then slavery was preferable." They gave up freedom for temporary safety. Which is something that America may be headed toward if we do not hold to our constitution. Lutzer makes us think, what will we do if things become like they were in Nazi Germany, what are we doing now? What decisions are we making now in our Christian life, what do we truly hold as valuable?
I'll end with one of my favorite quotes from Lutzer's book:"Conscientious objectors have for centuries disobeyed the state, believing that no Christian can participate in killing, even in a time of war. Every Christian must draw that line in accordance with his or her own convictions. But if we say that we will always obey the state, the state becomes our God. We can render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's only when we have rendered every thing we have to God."
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