Lt. General William K. Harrison Jr.
I first heard of
William K. Harrison Jr. on the radio some
time ago. He was being used as an
example of someone who made sure he read the word of God every day, even when
things got really busy; and things were really
busy in his life, as it was noted that this man was a general in World War II.
Not a lot of information was given, but that
piqued my interest. But I was sort of afraid he'd be some sort of nominal
Christian guy who just read his Bible for just for the sake of 'morality',
rather than being the real deal.
I tried to find more
information about him, and discovered some articles that he had written
And the other one is
"May A Christian Serve in the Military". I'll give an excerpt from that one here:
From the section in
that article,
"The Real Cause of War".
"From a Biblical standpoint the answer is simple.
The world is dead in sin. Lust, plunder, and war are the natural
characteristics of the human race, dead and lost in sin (Romans 1:18-32). Many
good Christians seek to eliminate war by dressing up the outside of the cup,
seeking to cure the apparent causes of war. The real cause of war is in the
sinful heart of man. The Lord said that except a man be born again he cannot
see the Kingdom of God. Being born again is a miracle. It comes only when one believes
in the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and as the Son of God. People
believe when they hear the gospel. Never has the preaching of the gospel
succeeded in converting more than a portion of hearers at any one time.
Even at Pentecost in the great city of Jerusalem only
3,000 believed at the most wonderful exhibition of gospel power in church
history. The rapid growth of Christianity in the Roman Empire resulted first in
the persecution of Christians, and then ultimately in the decay of spiritual
Christian life into the dark ages of medieval centuries. The Protestant
Reformation did not produce more than a partial awakening. Today there is an
apostasy from the simple, pure Word of God and faith in Jesus Christ, the only
begotten Son of God and the only Savior.
We are not called to preach the gospel to save the
world from war and crime. We can preach the gospel all we want to, but only a
few believe. Christ said that broad is the way that leads to destruction and
many are they that find it, and narrow is the way that leads to life and few
are they that find it. The preaching of the gospel is to them who are saved a
savor unto life, unto them who are lost a savor unto death. The Scriptures say
that God is now taking out a people for His name. I can find no place in the
Scripture where it intimates that the preaching of the gospel of grace will
succeed in converting the world.
On the other hand, it does say that the gospel should
be preached to all the world as a witness…."
Those articles made
me curious to know more about this guy.
I did some research on the internet, and there was only a bit of
information. The end of the above
articles give a short summary of who Harrison was: "Lieutenant General William
K. Harrison, Jr., retired in 1956 after forty four years in the Army. He was
assistant division commander of the 30th Infantry Division, rated by General
S.L.A. Marshall as the best division in the European Theater during World War
II. He was chief U.N. negotiator at Panmunjom, Korea, and subsequently served
as commander in chief of the Caribbean Command. General Harrison served as
president of OCF from 1954-1972 and as president emeritus from 1972 until his
death in 1987."
Wikipedia didn't
have much more information. But I found
that there was a biography of Harrison called, "A Man Under Orders"by D. Bruce Lockerbie. It was published
in 1979,is out of print, and the copies I was finding were rather expensive (I
think one of the ones I found was $60), even its "list price" is
absurd, $1000 something dollars.
Instead, I found book about the 30th division
that he was assistant commander of in World War II. The book is, "OldHickory: The 30th Division: The Top-Rated American Infantry Division in Europein World War II" by Robert Baumer.
The book was quite interesting in and of itself (you can buy it on
Amazon), and Harrison is mentioned quite a bit, though it doesn't really go into his beliefs. But it was interesting to see how much of a leader he was and how courageous. Baumer says, "He would become one of the most frequently seen
general officers of WWII in the front lines with his men, and widely admired
for his courage."
The author, Robert
Baumer, apparently read my review of his book, and he noticed that I had
mentioned that I was having difficulties finding a copy of Harrison's
biography. The author messaged me and
said that he had a copy of the book that he didn't need anymore, and that he'd
send it to me. It was very, very kind of
So I read the book,
and loved it. Or rather, loved to see
what God did in the life of this man.
He was a Christian
for most of his life, and God's sanctification of him usually involved his not
getting what he wanted. Harrison's aspiration was to use his leadership skills
as a soldier. During World War I, when
he graduated from West Point, he wanted to go be sent from there to France, but
was instead sent to Arizona to guard the border. Then, he was assigned to teach languages at
West Point. "While Harrison kept himself respectable in the
classroom, his heart had never been teaching foreign languages. He felt as though he were wasting time. To
amuse himself, he turned to puzzling out problems in tactics doing his best not
to atrophy as a soldier."
He learned how to teach well, and this served him well later, he became
"renowned" for his teaching of troops. And God kept teaching him submission by
giving him tasks that he didn't want.
As mentioned above,
he liked solving tactics problems, and he liked coming up with solutions to
other military problems as well, just for fun and to keep his military mind
sharp. Even that came in handy later on.
I was very
interested to find that God pivotally used him in World War II. Two events really stand out. First, a little before America entered the
war, he was assigned to General Marshall's Committee on Allocation of
Responsibilities which was given the job of figuring out a reorganization of
the Army High command (which was in great disarray). This especially needed to be done in case war
broke out. After weeks of the other members wrangling and disagreeing about how
to do it, Harrison, who had kept pretty quiet most of the time, said that he
had the solution to the problem. And
that afternoon, dug though the papers he had doodled on for fun and found one
that he had done several months earlier. ""On
a single sheet of paper, he had sketched out a plan to reorganize the United
States Army." He edited it a little and presented it the next day.
And that was the plan the committee ended up going with. Asa result of this, he was promoted to
Brigadier General. A few years later, he
was awarded a Distinguished Service Medal for having come up with the plan.
He ended up becoming
assistant commander of the 30th infantry division. His commander, Hobbs, turned over his own
responsibility of training the troops over to Harrison. The top commander was supposed to do that but
Hobbs apparently didn't want that responsibility. Harrison did the job well. And then when they went overseas, he seemed
to be the real leader of the men.
Harrison was one of the "most seen generals on the
battlefield". He did most of the
legwork for Hobbs and loved to lead from the front.

The attack still had to happen, and so,
despite many of their own men being dead
or wounded from the friendly fire, Harrison successfully pushed the men
forward. I'll let the Distinguished
Service Cross he received later on for this action sum it up. His citation
read, "On 25 July 1944, General Harrison
quickly reorganized the leading elements of his division which had previously
become disorganized by the bombing of friendly aircraft. Realizing that the
success of the entire operation depended on the 30th infantry Division carrying
out its mission, General Harrison, with complete disregard for his personal
safety and unselfish devotion to duty, accompanied the demoralized troops as
they began their advance. Through his valor, courage, and presence in the very
front of the attack, General Harrison inspired the men to a successful
completion of their mission."
A Brigadier General,
Stewart L. Hall, who was the 30th Divisions Intelligence chief said, "I believe it was General Harrison's example at
that instant that turned the tide3 of the war in the early days of the fighting
in Normandy."
Anyway, despite all
his hard work, he still didn't get the recognition/promotion that he
wanted. It was when he was wounded some
time later(from being up at the front again) that he realized that he had
become proud, "Being wounded and out of
action became a pivotal incident in Harrison's life, as he himself concedes.
'You see,' he admits, 'I'd been kidding myself all along that I was working to
serve God. But I'm very human, and
without my realizing it, I was really striving for myself. I was particularly upset because, I guess, my
abilities as the next Napoleon weren't being recognized. I knew, and I think my men knew, who was
responsible for making the 30th Infantry Division everything it was cracked up
to be. But I was still only the
Assistant Division Commander. My pride
made me forget God altogether.'"
He refocused and got back to work with a better perspective.
After the war, he
was still assigned to jobs he didn't really want. He was summoned to Japan, "…Harrison
was surprised and dismayed to learn that he had not been assigned to a
division; rather, he had been personally selected by Macarthur to be executive
for economic affairs, then later chief of the Reparations section, Allied
Powers' General Headquarters."
And then, when
trouble broke out in North and South Korea, Harrison wanted to be assigned to
duty in the battle zone, but instead, upon being called to Washington, "he was informed that he had been appointed
chief of the Army-Air Force Troop Information and Education Division, another
desk job." He was responsible for "propaganda and university
extension courses." Still, he did his best in the job, recognizing Who had
given it to him: "What did I know about education or propaganda! Nothing, and I cared
even less! But I figured God wanted me
doing that job, or else He wouldn't have placed me there."
A bit later he was
assigned to be in command of a training center. He liked training soldiers
better than the propaganda job he had had, though it still wasn't the
battlefield. Near the end of 1951, he
finally was about to get, what he thought was, his chance to be in the
action. He was appointed Deputy
Commander of the 8th Army. He was
finally going to the front. After a few
weeks of inspection tours to acquaint himself with the situation, he was
interrupted by another job assignment.
That of being on the Truce team.
This was yet another
job he didn't want, and a job that he didn't really agree should be done at
this point. He thought that it would be
futile and that they should conquer the North Koreans before negotiating a deal. But again, God had given him this job, so he
needed to do it to the best of his ability.
"Ever since he had been a little boy, Harrison
had been preparing himself for a major command in the army. As Mark Clark says of him, 'Bill was always a
cavalry man looking for that chance to shock the enemy with a charge.' But his
ambition had never been fulfilled; his skill as a field commander never
recognized and so, never tested.
Instead, at the climax of his service, his country called upon him to
exercise every other quality for which he had been schooled. Where a cavalry charge would have failed,
lessons learned in the drudgery of bureaus, sections, committees, boards, and
other General Staff desk jobs succeeded.
In the always astonishing providence of God, those very traits that
Harrison's long years of varied duties had taught him - patience tact,
analytical incisiveness, and a resilient spirit buoyed by faith - were what he
most needed at Pammujom."
It was a very tough
job, but Harrison was able to show the North Koreans that he meant
business. As everyone knows, a sort of deal was reached and has been in place ever since. Harrison has been in the news, in a way
lately, with the heightened conflict with South Korea this past year or two,
news articles have revisited the original Armistice along with pictures of Harrison signing it (sitting at the table on the left in this picture).
I do want to warn
about some things though. Harrison
seemed quite staunch in his Christianity, but then there is this excerpt from
the book: "But while he did not use his rank to
promote religious activities within the Division, he did what he could to
encourage the work of chaplains. When he
found a chaplain doing his best to help the men by raising their morale -
whether Harrison agreed with him theologically or not - he encouraged him to
carry on." I didn't quite
know what to make of that. I suppose if they were just raising morale fine…but
I'm hoping that he didn't encourage any chaplains who have major theological/soteriological differences,
like Roman Catholicism (which teaches that Jesus Christ is not the only
Mediator between God and man, along with other unbiblical things).
I also want to note
that there is some swearing and vulgar language in this book.
But overall I really
liked the account. It's so nice to read of brave soldiers who fought well. But I truly admire Christian soldiers, as they are the ones with true bravery. True
bravery isn't merely conquering fear, it's trust in God, that all things really do work out for good for His people, conforming them to the
image of Christ (Rom 8:28-29). It's
really sad reading about brave men who risk their lives for their country when
you realize that they are not Christian, and that they would go straight to
Hell if they died. When you think about it, from a biblical perspective,
the bravery of non Christian soldiers is insanity because they ultimately
either don't think about God, or trust in their own good works or
something other than Christ, and have no overriding fear of meeting their
Maker. Even if the military person makes it through war, if he still doesn't
become a Christian, it's horribly sad when he dies even just of old age. But
that's not the case when you read that a Christian died. It makes me think of
the verse, "The
Lord takes no delight in the death of the wicked" (Ezek 33:11) in contrast to "Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of His saints"( Psalm
biography was written while Harrison was still alive (I think he was in his 80s
at the time). But he was still living a life of faith at the time, and it
sounds as though he did until the end when he went to be with the Lord in 1987.
Harrison was a Christian, he trusted in God and knew that God had taken care of
his sin, and so was brave in the midst of danger, knowing that God was in
control of whatever happened. That is
true bravery. God-given bravery. And
even the monotonous parts of his life were inspiring because he trusted God
even in those, doing his best with whatever God gave him to do. It truly was encouraging to read about God's
work in this man's life.
I hope
that the book is republished again sometime (maybe without the bad language).
Right now there are some more copies available for sale (lowest is $100 right now)on Amazon. But I have found that it is also available to
read/digitally borrow for free online at OpenLibrary.
I am saving up to buy this book. Thank you for the brief and letting us know it is worth the ~$100.
ReplyDeleteJust know that it is not a very large book, about one hundred and ninety something pages. I just looked up the book on Amazon again (it's been a bit since I've checked), Wow! So now the lowest is 137$!? I've just found one for cheaper on a U.K. website (it looks as though the actual seller is in Ohio) and they're selling it for around 40$ (assuming they actually still have it):